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GVHeritage Groups
Crew's Hole & Creosote
Two miles upstream from Bristol Bridge on the River Avon is Crew’s Hole (laying outside the Bristol conurbation), which started to be...
GVHeritage Groups
The Lost River fair and brisk
The River Frome - a 'little but useful river' You may be forgiven for not knowing (given the state and general disappearance of the Frome...
GVHeritage Groups
Baptist Mills & the trouble with brass
In 1710 the foundry at Cheese Lane, which is where the lead shot tower still stands today, was valued at £1,738! Brass is made by...
GVHeritage Groups
The Coming of the Light
A poem inspired by research into the establishment of the Bristol Gas Light Company and the changes it brought to the city. ‘The Coming...
GVHeritage Groups
The Underfall & The Overflow
A poem inspired by the Floating Harbour and Bristol's history of flooding. ‘Underfall & Overflow’ We came to build A city on the water...
GVHeritage Groups
A Good Man Dies - Off Duty Officer Hill
A poem inspired by the grave of a police officer murdered in Old Market whilst trying to intervene over the ill-treatment of a donkey. A...
GVHeritage Groups
Imperial Tobacco Company answers King George V's call
From 'Bristol's Own: The 12th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment' 1914 - Alert Appreciation of Orders - Who stands if freedom fall? All...
GVHeritage Groups
Guess the link between Arnos Vale & Bristol Gas Light Company
Did you know that the first person buried at Arnos Vale was Mary Breillat, wife of the man who had brought gas street-lighting to...
GVHeritage Groups
If you think the Suspension Bridge is good, take a look at this...
Everyone knows about Brunel's Suspension Bridge which was opened to the public in 1864 but few know about Brunel's Swivel Bridge which...
GVHeritage Groups
Soldiers' Corner - Arnos Vale
Whilst we were doing our first Sounding the City project at Arnos Vale we found Soldiers Corner, which contains 240 graves of men who...
GVHeritage Groups
Our Great Grandmothers
During our earlier Sounding the City project we started to look into Bristol's First World War history, mostly with a focus on the young...
GVHeritage Groups
Slavery & Trafficking
A group of us decided to look into slavery in Bristol because along with London and Liverpool it was a major slaving port. We then...
GVHeritage Groups
Bristol Floating Harbour
We formed a group that was especially interested in photography to make an initial research trip whilst a second group did online...
GVHeritage Groups
'Ship sinks, pay stops' - why we were inspired...
When we spoke to the Bristol Merchant Navy Association, Hon Treasurer Hank told us several things that shocked us but that also inspired...
GVHeritage Groups
Merchant Navy Fleet
Through the Bristol Merchant Navy Association, which is based on the Harbourside in Bristol, we made contact with Hank. As well as being...
GVHeritage Groups
Bristol Gas Light Company 1818 - 1949
At a meeting in the Commercial Rooms on 15 December 1815 it was resolved to form a gaslight company for Bristol. An Act of Parliament...
GVHeritage Groups
What's that SMELL??!!! The creation of the Underfall...
After the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia the Bristol Channel has the second greatest tidal range of any in the world - it can be as much as...
GVHeritage Groups
Don't talk to me of heroes...
The starting point for our project was to meet with the men of the Merchant Navy Association (Bristol & District) who shared their...
GVHeritage Groups
Bristol Old Vic
Our group visited the Bristol Records Office for a whole morning on a research trip. The guide answered all of our questions and showed...
GVHeritage Groups
Baptist Mills
As we followed the path of the Frome as it arrives into Bristol from Eastville Park, along the M32 to the unassuming Junction 3 we came...
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